An award winning sixth-form college in the heart of Central London offering a wide range of GCSE and A-Level courses
The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners' achievements is excellent
We recognise that for most students it is a tough decision to commit to retaking A-Levels. First and foremost, retake students should recognise that they are not failures, and most go on to enjoy far more success than if they had settled for a lesser degree course or gone through the clearing process.
In most cases, retake students will need to get higher A-Level results than their first-time counterparts so it is essential that they get it right the second-time round. First and foremost, it is important to have the right strategy as far as resits are concerned - especially with modular exams. Resitting modules too early or trying to resit too many at the same time can have disastrous consequences.
In June 2015 our A-Level retake students achieved 100% A*, A and B grades, and all of last years retake students won places at university. This success is a direct result of the excellent tuition both inside and outside the classroom at Albemarle, coupled with the right guidance and advice from personal tutors.
University visits are arranged and students are able to meet former Albemarle students studying in their chosen field. To strengthen a student's university application work experience is arranged when necessary. Most UCAS university applications are completed by early October so as to give students the best possible chance of securing a place at the university of their choice.
Our personal tutors have a wealth of experience dealing with retake students and the advice they give is tailored to suit the needs of each individual. We are able to call on a vast network of contacts at universities to assist us in assessing a student's chance of success in applying as a resit candidate.
In the past academic year our retake students have achieved places at many of the top UK universities including Cambridge, London (Imperial, King's, UCL, LSE), Warwick, Edinburgh, Bristol and Durham. We can also count a number of doctors, dentists, accountants, vets, systems analysts, journalists, lawyers and scientists amongst previous retake students.
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