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AS Course Outline
Why study AS German?
Studying a language enables you to communicate with people all over the world, and German is the mostly widely spoken language in Europe. Speaking and understanding German opens up a huge range of cultures, events, music, literature and people. While GCSE is mostly concerned with personal experiences and opinions, AS Level builds on that and brings in a variety of topics, both current and historical, to stimulate thought and discussion.
What will I study in AS German?
The course consists of studying language, grammar and structures centred around the two themes described below. In addition, you will study either a work or literature, or a film, to be chosen in discussion with the teacher. Recent works studied include Der Vorleser (Schlink), Der Besuch der alten Dame (Dürrenmatt) and the films Das Leben der Anderen and Goodbye Lenin!
Theme 1: Gesellschaftliche Entwicklung in Deutschland. (Social Issues and Trends.) This theme centres around Germany only, and has three strands - the environment, education and the world of work.
Theme 2: Politische und künstlerische Kultur im deutschen Sprachraum. (Culture in German speaking society.) This theme is set in the context of all German-speaking countries and communities, and we examine the role of festivals, the topic of music and the media.
Once we've agreed on the book, film or play we're going to study we work through it in stages, examining the characters, themes and style of the work. We examine the effect the work has on the reader or viewer and with films we also consider the cinematic techniques used by the director.
How will AS German help me now and in the future?
How is AS German assessed?
You will have a monthly mock, as with all subjects at Albemarle, which will be marked by your teacher. In addition, you will have weekly homework to support your learning, which will be a combination of vocabulary learning, grammar exercises, translations, reading exercises or essays.
What do I need to study German AS?
You need at least a Grade 6 at GCSE. You also need to be prepared to work hard, be challenged and be stimulated by learning about the world around you.
How can I prepare for AS German?
Core textbook
Edexcel German for AS and A Level
Hodder Publications
ISBN-10: 1471858235
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