An award winning sixth-form college in the heart of Central London offering a wide range of GCSE and A-Level courses
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AS Level Course Outline
Who should study this course?
This course is attractive to students who have a keen interest in moving image products and processes by situating them into broader cultural and historical perspectives.
It would complement any subject combination, including English Literature, Psychology, Sociology, History, Politics, as well as Photography and Art. Anyone who wants to study the way in which the mass media influences our daily lives should study this course.
What does the course aim to do?
Film Studies is designed to harness and develop your analytical skills through the analysis of a diverse range of film including: US, Hollywood and British film. The syllabus utilises case study film texts to focus on: the institutions that made them; how and why they were made; who they were made for; and the rules that govern their production. These approaches will be combined with an understanding of the significance of film and film practice in national, global and historical contexts.
AS Level Film Studies reinforces the relationship between academic theory and practice through a synoptic creative production and evaluation where students have the opportunity to make a production of their own key sequence from a film.
Which topics will I study?
AS-level Film Studies engages students with the in-depth study of film products. Students are introduced to the contexts and concepts of film-making and how they are used to create meaning.
There are two components to the AS Film Studies syllabus.
Film Studies (OCR) Summary of Content at AS
Course Content |
Students will study the development of film form through at least two Hollywood and US set films from the following time periods:
Students will also study representation and undertake a comparative contextual study of at least two set films from the following categories:
Also at least one European non-English language set film will be studied in relation to narrative and genre. There is a coursework element to the course
What Skills Will I Develop?
Structure of the Course
This course will be taught for 5x 1hour lessons per week. The course will involve a substantial amount of essay writing, so please be prepared for this.
Introductory Reading
Film Studies: an introduction, (2015), Buckland, Warren
Download pdf version at: studies-teach-yourself.html
Course Textbook
A Level Film Studies: The Essential Introduction, (2020), Casey-Benyahia, S, White, J and Gaffney, F.
Use the following links to give you an insight into what Film Studies is metropolis/ or startrek/
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