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An award winning sixth-form college in the heart of Central London offering a wide range of GCSE and A-Level courses

The quality of the curriculum, teaching and learners' achievements is excellent

Albemarle Independent Private College in Central London


A-Level Course Outline

Why Should I Study Sociology at A-Level?


A-Level Sociology will take you deeper into the political nature of society. Western countries pride themselves that they defend civil liberties and freedoms denied to those who live in dictatorships. The UK and USA argue that they protect democracy.

Sociology analyses this claim and assesses the quality of 'democracy' in the UK and USA. Questions will be raised such as why are the JFK documents being held until 2034 (72 years after his assassination)? Why is America constantly at war with other countries? Why do western governments befriend dictators around the world? Why does the media have such influence over politicians? Why does the UK and USA engage in secretive torture? What influences how people vote in elections?

At A-Level you will also study why Stratification occurs in society. Why is society divided into class, gender and race? Why do the elderly and disabled suffer discrimination? Can we be socially mobile in our lifetimes?

What Challenges will A-Level Sociology Present?

What Degree Courses Is Sociology Suitable For?

Sociology is highly respected by all universities and can help towards gaining entry to these degree courses amongst others:

  • Sociology
  • Law
  • Business Management
  • History
  • Politics
  • International Relations
  • Economics
  • English Literature
  • Geography
  • Media Studies
  • Psychology
  • Philosophy

SOCIOLOGY (EDUQAS) A-Level Specification

Unit One
40% of A-level
120 Marks
2 hours 30 minutes
Available in May

Families and Households, Education and Culture & Identity

Structured essay questions on socialisation, culture and identity, family and households and education.

Unit Two
20% of A-level
60 Marks
1 hour 45 minutes
Available in June

Methods of Sociological Enquiry

Exam responses require greater depth than at AS. In addition you must understand the process of research design.

Unit Three
40% of A-Level
120 Marks
40% of A2 Exam
2 hours 30 minutes
Available in June

Power & Stratification

Power and Politics

  • Nature and Distribution of Power
  • Gender & Race and Power
  • State Power
  • Power of Political Parties and Pressure Groups
  • Voting Behaviour and Opinion Polls


  • Theories of Stratification
  • Social Mobility
  • Gender and Stratification
  • Race and Stratification
  • Social Class Stratification
  • Two Areas of Stratification in Modern Life

Structure of the Course
This course will be taught for 6x 1hour lessons per week. Homework will be set weekly and deadlines must be adhered to. Reading of textbooks and sociological coverage in broadsheet newspapers is essential.

Core Textbook
ISBN 9781908682758


Further Reading
An important part of Unit 3 is assessing the extent to which the USA and UK violate human rights. You should research they ways in which the CIA use torture (through extraordinary rendition) and assassination (using drone strikes). Look at this article from The Guardian (25.06.12) and list the criticisms made of US foreign policy under Obama.

Jimmy carter drone strikes

Dial M for Murdoch  Tom Watson
The State in Capitalist Society  Ralph Miliband
1984  George Orwell